01-24 January 2020: Adrienne’s visit

Our energetic volunteer from Oregon spent three wonderful, creative, fun, and productive weeks with us, helping us/UmAy around with everything, including preparing and running workshops with Sevil for the local school students. In total 95 students, 7 classes had...

14 January 2020: Swedish Research Institute of Istanbul

Ozlem attended the welcoming reception and the Q&A at the Swedish Research Institute of Istanbul: “Translation of words, transfer of culture,” a lively and moving discussion on collective voices, displacement, and nostalgia. Namdar Nasser (writer, poet, and...

14 January 2020: Book presentation and discussion with Elif

Elif finished Kıvılcımlar during her UmAy stay and generously presented it with a good introduction in English so that Adrienne too was informed about their 8-month-long leadership program for female university students in Izmir, Turkey. Elif mentioned the highlights...

13 January 2020: Eco-cleaning workshop by Sevil

This training is short but impactful in the way that we will pass it on to others, especially to the local parents through the school activities (see the workshop report’s conclusion). Sevil has been practicing chemical-free cleaning already for years, and is in...

12 January 2020: Anthropocene Documentary Viewing

We watched Anthropocene: The Human Epoch – How Humans Have Impacted the Planet (2019) and had a discussion afterwards.  This award-winning documentary by Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, and Edward Burtynsky chronicles some devastating environmental...