There are times when good intentions, dreams, and sharing ideas and ideals are not enough to get an international women’s initiative going. You need dedicated volunteers. You need people with good budgeting skills and the determination to fundraise. However, in our case, we spent weeks on how to express ourselves on the internet which is available to anyone on the planet but could not afford to pay for the service. NatMes Team stepped in as our link to the global virtual universe and offered their assistance in a timely manner. Designing this platform, keeping it active, listening to our -at times very naïve and ignorant- comments and questions, and providing online training to our volunteer from the U.S. were among their generous offers. We as the UmAy Founding Team would like to express our thanks and gratitude to NatMes for their time, and setting an example to other companies, demonstrating that volunteer spirit can be kept alive and collaborate with the world of humanitarian aid and NGO worlds when needed.

Thank you again for building our website and being available 24/7 with patience, kindness and respect.
